Entries by Rip3d


Giant Trance X4 2009 Specs

Yesterday I went to Owenhouse Bike Shop in Bozeman for a $12 spare derailleur hanger and left the shop with a brand new bike.. a bit impulsive? maybe!… a necessity?… No!.. But it sure feels good. So now my big problem is I have to decide which bike to take on which trail!!… man, life […]


HDR Mountain Bike Photography

This year I have started shooting HDR images on the trails, personally I am really intrigued by this method, and I actually like the outcome of the photo’s. For everyone that has never heard of HDR photography, just google it for plenty of info, but in short it means the following.. In image processing, computer […]

Giant Yukon FX3 2008 Specs

. This tab page spec chart represents the MOST CURRENT information available, superseding any printed or PDF formatted information. Specifications and price are subject to change without notice.